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Tugas Bahasa inggris 12 2N 07

12.2N.07 -Task 2-Kelompok 8

Moore's Law in computer speed

Moore's Law is one of the famous law in the microprocessor industry that describes the growth rate of speed microprocessors. Introduced by Gordon E. Moore co-founder of Intel. He said that the growth speed of the microprocessor calculation following the exponential formula.
The development of today's technology makes less and less relevant to Moore's Law to predict the speed microprocessor. Moore's Law, which states that the complexity of a microprocessor would double every 18 months once, now getting closer towards saturation. This is even more apparent after Intel officially started with the code Nehalem processor architecture. This processor will begin to apply the techniques of nano technology in the manufacture of the processor, so it does not take 18 months to see an increase in complexity but will be shorter.
However, this time Moore's Law has been used as targets and goals to be achieved in the development of the semiconductor industry. Researchers in the processor industry trying to achieve Moore's Law in its product development. Semiconductor materials industries continue to refine the material required products processors, and computer and telecommunications applications growing rapidly as the issuing processor that has a higher ability.
Indirectly, Moore's Law into feedback (feedback) to control the rate of increase in the number of transistors on the chip IC. Moore's Law has been controlling all the people to jointly develop the processor. Apart from these reasons, the use of transistors will continue to rise until the discovery of more effective technologies and efficient work mechanism that would shift the transistor as used today.
Although Gordon Moore is not the inventor of the transistor or IC, which flung ideas about the trend of increased use of the number of transistors on IC has contributed greatly to the advancement of information technology. Without Moore's services might we not been able to enjoy a 3GHz speed computer such as the current.
I agree because people are in need of tools that can assist their needs quickly and efficiently.

Inside a computer
The main part of a computer to handle the process is CPU. It stands for Central Processing Unit. In this place all the process goes on. If we have a deeper look inside this CPU we can see many kind of devices attached to this CPU.
There are many devices inside the CPU.
Some of them are:
a. Motherboard
This is a printed circuit board (PCB) which all card or module is attached.
Motherboard is also called with main board, baseboard, system board, or planar board.
In Apple computer, it is called logic board.
b. Processor
Processor is a hardware (sometimes software) system to handle operations upon data. For the first time, processor is only a vacuum tube. Then it undergoes an evolution becomes transistor, until it reaches the form of processor as we can see recently. In personal computers the central processing unit resides in a single chip called a microprocessor. When someone refers to the speed of a computer, the reference is to the CPU and is measured in megahertz (MHz). But today the speed of a processor has reached gigahertz (GHz).
There are many companies produces processor. The main one is Intel. And there are Also AMD and IBM.
c. Memory (RAM)
In order to handle the computation, especially to access to the most frequent accessed data, a computer needs a memory. In this case is RAM (Random Access Memory). The characteristic of RAM is volatile, meaning that the data that is stored in memory only available while the computer is turn on. That’s why you have to save your work before the computer is turn off. It is a different case with ROM, which stands for Read Only Memory. ROM is non-volatile, meaning that the data is still in ROM even there is no electricity.
d. Sound card
Sound card is also known as audio card. It converts audio signals from a microphone, audio tape, or some other sources to digital signals, which can be stored as a computer audio file. Sound cards also convert computer audio files to electrical signals, which you can play through a speaker or a headphone. The microphone and the speakers or the headphones connect to the sound card.
e. VGA card
VGA stands for Video Graphic Array. This is a device to handle signal displayed onto monitor.

f. Internal Modem
Modem stands for modulator and demodulator. The function is to connect a computer to the Internet. Modem will transfer a digital signal from a computer into analog signal. This process is called modulation. In this computer, the receiver, the analog signal is received and then converted into digital signal. This process is known as demodulation. That’s why a modem does two processes.
Modem is classified into two kinds. Internal modem which is placed inside the CPU, called internal modem. This modem is identified by the chip where the company creates. Conexant means the chip is produced by Conexant.
The data transfer from a modem into the internet or from the Internet into a modem is called the speed of a modem. And it is measured by kbps, means ‘kilo bit per second’. The other kind of modem is external modem which is placed outside the CPU.
g. Network Interface Card
Network Interface Card (NIC) for shorts. Also known as LAN card. It allows the computer to be connected to other computers so that information can be exchanged between them. NIC can be identified easily. It has a special port called RJ-45. RJ means Registered Jack. And also a led to indicate a data is being transferred. Above NIC is connected to other computer using a cable (wire). people try not to use cable. This method is called wireless, means without cable/wire. The pictures below are LAN Cards without the need to connect using cable. It is known as WLAN, Wave LAN, since it uses wave as a media to transfer data.

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